School of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Chemistry The University of New South Wales, P.O. Box 1, Kensington NSW 2033, Australia
The vanadium battery is a redox flow battery system which was pioneered by
Skyllas-Kazacos et. al. (1) and is currently under development at the Vanadium
Battery Development Laboratory, in the School of Chemical Engineering and
Industrial Chemistry at the University of New South Wales.
Redox flow battery systems have been investigated by a number of world
government and independent research organisations over the last two decades. An
increase in interest in recent years has seen certain systems reaching the
demonstration stage. The primary components of the redox flow system are
illustrated in Figure 1.
picture:vanads1.gif Figure 1: The redox flow battery system.
A redox flow cell consists of two half-cells, one positive and one negative
that are separated by a membrane. To enable electric charge transfer in and out
of the system each half-cell contains an iert electrode. The energy is stored in
the positive and negative half-cell electrolytes which are pumped around the
system. The flow through the redox cell stack is parallel ant the half-cell
electrolytes are stored in separate storage tanks. An overview on redox flow
batteries has benn presented by Ritchie and Sira (2) and a historical
bibliography an their development by Bartolozzi (3).
Energy in batteries is produced when electrons flow between the positive and
negative species. In flow batteries this corresponds to the two redox species
which have different electrochemical potentials.
In conventional energy storage systems solid state electrode reactions are
employed as in the lead-acid battery. In redox flow cells the redox couples are
all soluble solution species.
For practical application high currents and voltages are generally required.
Redox cell can be stacked in series to increase the voltage and the cells can be
electrically connencted in parallel for high currents. In connecting individual
cells in series to form a battery stack, bipolar electrodes are employed and
flow to the cells is hydraulically in parallel performed by the use of
In most redox flow batteries different metal species are employed in the
positive and negative half-cell electrolytes as in the case of the iron-chromium
(Fe-Cr) redox cell. Results on the research and development of a 10kW class
Iron-Chromium redox flow battery were presented byHamamoto et. al. (4).
Cross-contamination of the electrolyte can occur by the ions crossing through
the membrane separator resulting in a decrease in battery capacity.
The vanadium redox battery employs vanadium ions in both half-cell
electrolytes. The V(II)/V(II) redox couple which was investigated by Sum and
Skyllas-Kazacos (5) is employed in the negative electrolyte. The positive
electrolyte employs the V(IV)/V(V) redox couple which was investigated by Sum
et. al. (6). If solution cross-over occurs the vanadium half-cell solutions can
be remixed and the system brought back to its original state.
The following half-cell reactions are involved in the vanadium redox cell:
V(V) - e ---¯ V(IV) (discharge) V(V) - e ®--- V(IV) (charge)
V(III) - e ---¯ V(II) (charge) V(III) - e ®--- V(II) (discharge)
At the concentration of 1 mole per litre for each vanadium species and 25degC
the standard cell potential is 1.26 Volts. Under operating conditions the actual
open-circuit cell voltage obtained at 50% state of charge is 1.4 Volts.
The relatively fast kinetics of the vanadium redox couples allow high
coulombic and voltage efficiencies to be obtained but the value of these
efficiencies also depends on the internal resistance of the cell.
One of the most important features of redox flow batteries is that by using
solutions to store the energy the system power and the energy storage capacity
are independent. The vanadium redox battery can therefore be tailored to
specific storage applications.
- The solutions have an indefinite life so only the mechanical components
need replacement at the end of their life.
- Instant recharge is possible by replacing the spent electrolytes which
makes the system ideal for electric vehicle applications.
- The system capacity can be increased by increasing the volume of solution.
- The vanadium battery can be fully discharged without any detrimental
- The cost per kWh decreases as the energy capacity increases, making large
scale applications cost effective.
- The system can operate between restricted voltage ranges by the use of trim
- The capacity of the whole system can be monitored in line by monitoring the
state of charge of the electrolytes.
- The vanadium battery system is environmentally friendly since no waste
products are produced.
A vanadium battery bipolar stack illustrated in Figure 2 showing the
individual call stack components.
picture:vanads2.gif Figure 2: Vanadium battery bipolar stack
The individual cell components have all undergone development at UNSW in
their own right. Optimisation and manufacturing techniques for large scale
commercialisation applications have also been considered for the electrodes and
There are two types of electrodes used in the vanadium battery stack. The end
electrodes are used as the first and last electrodes in the stack while the
remainder are bipolar electrodes. Studies on fabrication and activation of
conducting plastic electrodes were undertaken and presented by Zhong et. al.
The bipolar electrodes consist of an electrically conductive graphite
impregnated polymer sheet approximately 0.7 mm in thinckness. To each side of
the polymer sheet graphite felt is heat bonded to allow the electrode formed to
be a flow-through electrode with a very large contact area.
The end electrodes are similar to the bipolar electrodes except that felt in
only bonded to one side and the other side is copper plated to allow
unrestricted electrical transport to the copper current collectors.
The main problem with conducting plastic electrodes is to find a material
that is nor only an excellent electrical conductore but is also resistant and
impermeable to the electrolyte. the electrode must also be of sufficient
mechanical strength to be able to tolerate any pressure changes in the stack.
The development of these electrodes has reached the stage where polyethylene
base bipolar electrodes and end electrodes with area resistivity as low as 0.6
and 0.8Ohm/square cm respectively have been obtained.
A polypropylene base material has also been sheet extruded and resistivities
in the range of 0.5-0.6 Ohm/square cm have been obtained for bipolar electrodes
by Haddadi-Asl et. al. (8). Sheet extrusion for electrode preparation provides a
uniform thickness of conductive polymer sheet and large quantities can be
produced in single production runs at costs as low as $1 per square metre.
The electrolyte in the vanadium redox battery is introduced into and out of
each half-cell by the flowframe. The flowframe determines the cell thickness and
also supports the cell structure.
Up until recently the latest vanadium battery stacks were of an external fed
design. This simply relates to each cell being fed individually from a common
external manifold. The flow frames were made of 5mm polypropylene and 0.8mm
neoprene rubber was used for the gaskets.
The polypropylene flow frames were machined out of full sheets of
polypropylene and a primary inlet and outlet manifold were heat welded to each
In the latest design of the vanadium battery stack an internal flow
distribution system has been developed which leads to a more compact and robust
stack assembly. The flowframes are injection moulded resulting in a high level
of quality control and a much lower cost per flowframe. the initial capital
outlay of the flowframe mould will be quickly recovered when commercial
production commences.
The flowframe construction material is santoprene and the hardness of this
material has been optimised resulting in the elimination of gaskets in the
battery stack.
A battery stack assembled using santoprene flowframes has been extensively
leak tested. Latest results show that this material provides a means of
obtaining a leakproof stack which had previously been a concern.
A solar demonstration house has been built on the grounds of tthe Tha Gypsum
factory in Thailand. the house has been designed with total energy self
sufficiency in mind. This house employs solar cell arrays on the roof for the
collection and conversion of energy and a vanadium battery system for storing
the electrical energy collected.
The solar demonstration house is totally energy self sufficient and the
vanadium battery is housed in the battery room. The vanadium battery has been
used to power the lighting and airconditioning as well as other general
The specifications of the vanadium battery in this application is set out in
table 1.
Table 1: Specifications of the Solar Demonstration House Vanadium Battery:
*These values are theoretical values based on a cell resistance of 2 Ohm per
square centimetre and electrolytes with a 2M vanadium concentration. The peak
power was calculated using a discharge current density of 67 mA per square
centimetre corresponding to 100A.
This system has shown promising results for the application of the vanadium
redox battery in energy self sufficient housing. If the energy needs of the
house increases at a later date the capacity of the system can simpy be
increased by adding extra electrolyte. The benefits of such a system in South
East Asia are that it will provide reliable power for individual dwellings and
commercial buildings.
A commercially available golf cart powered by lead-acid batteries was
obtained for the development of a vanadium battery powered golf cart from Deep
Down Distributors P/L. The golf cart was originally powered by six 6 Volt
lead-acid batteries that were stored under the seat.
The specifications of the vanadium battery designed for the golf cart are
shown in Table 2. The actual electrode area of the battery was determined by the
mould already develped for santoprene flowframes that are prepared by injection
moulding as described above in Section 3.2.
Due to severe budget restrictions for this small demonstration project the
electrodes and flowframes had to be fabricated using the same moulds as
manufactured for the Solar House battery project.
The size of the flowframes used in the golf cart vanadium battery are for
electrodes with an area of 1500 square centimetres. The resulting battery is
thus oversizes for the golf cart. The optimum size for a vanadium battery
specifically designed for the golf cart would thus be approximately one quarter
that used for this initial trial.
*These values are theoretical values based on a cell resistance of 2 Ohm per
square centimetre and electrolytes with a 2M vanadium concentration. The peak
power was calculated using a discharge current density of 67 mA per square
centimetre corresponding to 100A.
The 2 pumps to pump the electrolyte around the vanadium battery system were
240V AC and a battery monitor-inverter was developed and used to power the pumps
of the battery system. The pumps through the inverter were found to sonsume a
current of 7.5A total for both pumps at an operating pressure of 45kPa each.
Preliminary road trials of the vanadium battery powered golf cart have
already been undertaken. The golf cart was found to perform exeptionally well
carrying two passengers with ease and a total vehicle weight including
passengers in excess of 400 kgs.
In the first preliminary road trials the battery voltage for the stationary
vehicle with the pumps off was 41.4V. the battery voltage for the stationary
vehicle with the pumps on was 38.9V and the battery voltage for the moving
vehicle on a flat road was 37.6V.
The vehicle can also be run with the pumps off, running simply of the charge
available in the battery stack. This will obviously limit the distance that can
be travelled however, in this case the battery voltage only decreased from 41.4V
for the stationary vehicle to 40. 7V when the vehicle was moving.
The pumps can therefore be run intermittently to conserve power with the
preferred option being the employment of DC pumps. The AC pumps were employed in
the current trials due to suitable DC pumps so far proving difficult to acquire.
The vanadium battery powered golf cart will soon undergo endurance testing as
well as acceleration and maximum speed trials.
Submarine back-up batteries in the present design consist of NiCad cells.
There are 2 identical niCad banks each consisting of 20 cells providing 24V.
A vanadium battery system is currently being developed for this application.
There are certain major requirements stipulated by the Department of Defence for
the vanadium battery system. These requirements are that the battery has the
ability to be charged and discharged between 5% and 95% of the rated capacity
for a current range of 0-160A while remaining in the voltage range of 22-28V.
The preliminary design of the vanadium battery system comprised of 2
identical banks each formed from two, 20 cell stacks. The two, 20 cell stacks
would be electrically connected in parallel. This connection is neccessary to
permit the voltage to be in the desired range. Each stack only needs to support
a maximum current of 80A when considering that the total maximum current the two
stacks need to provide is 160A.
A computer simulation programme was developed to simulate the performance of
the vanadium battery in the submarine back-up battery application. The main
purpose of this simulation was to detect whether the stipulated voltage range of
22-28V could be met over the current range of 0-160A. The back-up battery is to
be connected to the submarine instrumentation continuously even in the charge
The simulation carried out on one 20 cell stack revealed that the open
circuit voltage (OCV) for the 20 cell stack was over 28V and that this voltage
and that this voltage was also exceeded when charging at the maximum of 80A on
one stack.
Further simulations suggested that one way to overcome the exceeding voltages
was to use 19 instead of 20 cells in the stack to bring the OCV within the
prescribed voltage range. During charging a tapping cell in the stack could be
used that would bring the voltages obtained during charging within the voltage
range required. A tapping cell is to be employed at cell 17 in the 19 cell stack
and Table 3 gives the specifications for one bank. Table 4 illustrates the stack
voltages are in line with the voltage range required over the conditions to be
expected during operation of the vanadium back-up battery system.
The use of a tapping cell thus enables the difference between the charging
and discharge voltage to be minimised and any variance at the outer extremities
of the voltage range may be overcome by further refinement.
Number of battery stacks 2 Stack connection parallel Number of cells (total)
38 Tapping cell (in each stack) Cell No. 17 Volume of electrolyte per half cell
70 l total: 140 l Peak Power 4.2 kW* Cell flow distribution design: internal
*This value is a theoretical value based on a cell resistance of 2 Ohm per
square centimetre and electrolytes with a 2M vanadium concentration. The peak
power was calculated using a discharge current density of 53 mA per square
centimetre corresponding to 80A.
Table 4 Vanadium back-up battery stack voltages under open circuit, discharge
with 19 cells and charge with 17 cells. SOC (%) Stack OCV (V, 19 cells) 95%
28.53 50% 25.65 5% 22.77
SOC (%) Discharge voltages at different currents (V) for a 19 cell stack. 80A
40A 5A 95% 26.50 27.51 28.40 50% 23.62 24.64 25.52 5% 20.75 21.76 22.65
SOC (%) Charge voltages at different currents (V) using 17 cells 80A 40A 95%
27.56 26.88 50% 24.99 24.31 5% 22.42 21.74
The vanadium redox flow battery system has undergone optimisation and the
manufacture of various components have been streamlined and designed to meet the
needs for full scale commercial production.
This system has already been used in a domestic load levelling application
and has shown that energy self sufficient housing is not a future possibility
but indeed a reality. An electric vanadium golf cart has been completed and
initial road trials indicate that this battery system shows great promise for
specialised traction applications although further research to increase energy
density is required before it can be used in commuter vehicles. Back-up power
systems are incorporated in virtually all industries and a vanadium bach-up
battery system is currently under development for use in submarines.
The vanadium redox flow battery system has demonstrated an ability to be
applied in various energy storage applications. As the development continues
more applications will reveal its full versatility and potential.
1. Skyllas-Kazacos M., Rychick M. and Robins R., "All-Vanadium Redox
Battery", US Patent No. 4 786 567, November (1988) 1-22
2. Ritchie I.M. and Siira O.T., "Redox Batteries - An Overview",
Proceedings of the 8th Biennial Congress of the International Solar Energy
Society, Solar World Congress, Vol 3 (1983) 1732-1737.
3. Bartolozzi M., "Development of Redox Flow Batteries. A Historical
Bibliography", Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 27 (1989) 219-234
4. Hamamoto O., Takabatake M., Yoshitake M. and Misaki H., "Research and
Development of 10 kW Class redox Flow Battery", Proceedings of the 20th
Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Vol 2, (1985) 98-104.
5. Sum E. and Skyllas-Kazacos M., "A study of the V(II)/V(III) Redox
Couple for Redox Flow Cell Applications", Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 15
(1985) 179-190.
6. Sum E., Rychcik M. and Skyllas-Kazacos M. "Investigation of the V9V)/V(IV)
System for Use in the Positive Half-Cell of a Redox Battery", Journal of
Power Sources, Vol. 16 (1985) 85-95.
7. Zhong S., Kazacos M., Burford R.P. and Skyllas-Kazacos M.,
"Fabrication and Activatioin studies of Conducting Plastic Composite
Electrodes for Redox Cells" Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 36(1991) 29-43.
8. Haddadi-Asl V., Kazacos M. and Skyllas-Kazacos M. "Conductive
Carbon-Polypropylene Composite Electrodes for Vanadium Redox Battery",
Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, In Press.
The development of the vanadium redox battery has been funded by NERDDC, ERDC,
NSW Office of Energy and Mount Resources.
Support for the golf cart project was also provided by Pacific Power and Deep
Down Distributors P/L. The authors are grateful to Formica Australia P/L for
donating the end plates in the battery stacks.Summary:
Redox flow battery systems have been under investigation for use in energy
storage applications for some time. The early systems had certain limitations
such as the electrolyte cross-contamination, however, the vanadium redox flow
battery system does not suffer from such limitations due to the common element
in both positive and negative half-cell electrolytes. Various components of the
vanadium battery have been developed by methods suitable for large scale
commercialisation. A 5kW/13kWh system has been installed in a solar
demonstration house and its suitability for application in energy self
sufficient housing is currently being evaluated. A 4kW/4kWh vanadium battery
system has also been installed in a golf cart and initial vehicle road trials
have shown its viability in traction applications. Presently a 4kW vanadium
battery system is under development for evaluation as a back-up battery in
1. Introduction
At the positive electrode:
E(null) = 1.00 V (1)
At the negative electrode:
E(null) = -0.26 V (2)
2. Advantages of the Vanadium Redox Battery
3. State of Development
3.1. Electrodes
3.2. Flowframes
4. Current Applications and Designs
4.1. Energy Storage - Solar Demonstration House
Number of battery stacks 1
Number of cells 36
Volume of electrolyte per half-cell 200 l total: 400 l
Peak Power* 4.9 kW
Capacity* 13.0kWh
Cell flow distribution design: external
4.2. Mobile Application - Electric Golf Cart
Table 2 Specifications of the Electric Golf Cart Vanadium Battery
Number of battery stacks 1
Number of cells 30
Volume of electrolyte per half cell 60 l total: 120 l
Peak Power 4.1 kW*
Capacity 3.9 kWh*
Cell flow distribution design: internal
4.3. Back-up Battery - Submarine
Table 3 Specifications of the submarine back-up battery:
5. Conclusion
6. References
7. Acknowledgements